For 5 years I’ve been trying to eliminate all of the toxins out of our wardrobe, bedding and home.
In the past 6 months I have done it! I got rid of EVERYTHING that was synthetic for all 5 of us. If you have any questions about how we did it and what we use for being, clothing, cleaning products, towels, skincare, blankets, pillows, haircare, deodorant, food, toothpaste, makeup, socks, bras, hats, please ask 🙌 Here are some of my favorite links to items we use: Haircare- Skincare-Makeup- Page Bedding: I made pillows by buying this kapok, and then cotton zipper pillowcases for underneath your main pillowcase: Bras-Underwear - clothing- underwear: Hats: Socks: Towels: Food: High frequency oils and cleaning products: Natural sunscreen: mixing these two oils which have natural spf: Raspberry oil -Wheatgerm oil- This Tupperwear: Most of the rest we have thrifted!!! You start to be able to look quickly by feeling natural fabrics- This online used store also has great options- “ Did you know? Linen has a frequency of 5,000. Wool has a frequency of 5,000. According to this study, the human body has a signature frequency of 100, and organic cotton is the same – 100. The study showed that if the number is lower than 100, it puts a strain on the body. A diseased, nearly dead person has a frequency of about 15, and that is where polyester, rayon, and silk register.” Quoted text copied.
Gratitude is a powerful!
Give thanks to those who have helped you, and strengthened you! For some today is difficult, you may have lost a loved one, you may not be spending time with family, and you may not even have good food to eat. To those, thank you for your strength to endure, I love you and am thankful for your example of perseverance and contentment even in difficulty. Can we share what we are grateful for today? |